How to Recover Deleted Files on GoPro Cameras? | GoPro File Recovery  

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Did you delete your files from your GoPro Cameras? Losing your most loved photos and videos could be disheartening. In this informative article, you will find out how to recover GoPro files with a powerful GoPro recovery software - Remo Photo Recovery Software.
Download Remo now and start the GoPro recovery process.

Written by
Published on
August 17, 2020
Updated on
July 25, 2023

How Does GoPro Camera Work?

GoPro is one of the best action cameras available today. Hobbyists, professional stuntmen, sports enthusiasts, and many more prefer a GoPro over any other action camera. Besides capturing and producing videos, GoPro also provides exceptional media management service through a suite called Quik.

One notable feature of this app is its ability to “Automatically delete files from the camera after importing”. It saves the users precious time in deleting from the SD card after being copied to the computer.

Just a small technical glitch in the app might prevent you from copying your GoPro files onto the computer. If the automatic deletion feature is enabled, the videos will be deleted in the original file location, i.e., the SD card.

Accidentally deleted a file from the GoPro, any way to recover it?

Source: Reddit

Now that videos are deleted on both the computer and the SD card, you might be left wondering if there was a way to recover them. Although this mishap can be rare, it will erase your precious photos and videos.

Learn how to change your settings to avoid this automatic deletion. Also provided is a great hack to recover video files from GoPro with the utmost ease.

Did you know the photos and videos remain on the GoPro SD card even after a deletion? With an effective data recovery solution, you can easily recover data without defiling photos and videos. Bank on a viable tool such as the Remo GoPro Recovery tool can assist you in this regard. Integrated with a powerful deep scan engine, the tool reaches out to every sector of the drive to recover lost photos and videos. Download and try the software for free now.

How to Restore Deleted GoPro Files?

  1. Recover Deleted GoPro Files from Computer Recycle Bin
  2. Recover Deleted Videos from GoPro Plus Backup
  3. Restore Deleted GoPro Files Using Remo Photo Recovery Software

With the above-listed approaches, you can definitely recover deleted videos from the SD card of GoPro cameras. The main key to recovery is to refrain from using the GoPro camera or its SD card any further. This will avoid overwriting the existing recoverable data.

Things to avoid before performing deleted GoPro File Recovery 

  1. Stop using your GoPro Device after the deletion; this will decrease the chances of your deleted files being completely recovered
  2. As you are well aware, all the latest GoPro, including GoPro Hero 9, do not have internal memory; we recommend you remove the SD card immediately after you have incurred data loss on GoPro
  3. Do not format your SD card; the deleted photos and videos still reside in the logical memory on your GoPro device. Do not format the device.

Methods to Recover Deleted GoPro Camera Files

Method 1: Recover Deleted GoPro Files Using Recycle Bin

It's simple to recover deleted GoPro data from the Recycle Bin. The methods you can take to recover your files are as follows:

  • Double-click the Recycle Bin icon on your computer's desktop to access it.
  • Find the GoPro files that were deleted in the Recycle Bin. You can use the Search Feature to find the files if they are hidden.
  • You can choose the Files you want to recover by clicking on them. Holding down the Ctrl key while clicking allows you to choose several files.
  • Restore can be chosen by Right-Clicking on the files that you've chosen.
  • The selected files will be Transferred Back to your computer's original location.

Note: GoPro File Recovery may not be possible if the files were permanently deleted or if they were not stored in the Recycle Bin. In these situations, you may need to try to recover the deleted files using data recovery software.

Method 2: Recover Deleted Videos from GoPro Plus Backup

Note📌: This method is applicable only to GoPro users with a GoPro Plus subscription.

If you have a GoPro Plus subscription, you can recover your deleted videos from there. GoPro Plus automatically backs up your camera whenever it is connected to Wi-Fi and being charged, providing unlimited cloud backup to its subscribers.

Simply log in to the GoPro website and recover your GoPro videos from there.

If you don't have one You can still get back your GoPro videos using an efficient and capable tool like Remo Recover.


user review after successful completion of GoPro File Recovery process
Source: Trustpilot


Method 3: Recover Permanently Deleted GoPro Videos Using Remo Recover

Remo Photo Recovery is a powerful GoPro recover deleted files tools that can help you recover photos and videos shot on any GoPro camera. 

Remo’s powerful file identifiers are designed to recover video file formats such as MP4, HEVC and image file types such as JPEG and RAW images effortlessly from any Micro SD cards, SD cards as well as Memory Card on all versions of Windows and Mac OS.

How to Perform GoPro File Recovery Using Remo?

1: Download and Install the Remo Photo Recovery software and Connect the SD card from which you want to restore deleted or lost GoPro videos

2: Select the SD card from the list of all available drives, and hit the Scan button to start the GoPro video recovery.
select the SD card and click on the scan button to start GoPro File Recovery process

3: After completion of the scanning process, the recovered GoPro videos will be shown on the screen. Also, you can double-click on any recovered video to preview and validate it for free.
preview the recovered files after completion og the gopro file recovery process
4: Finally, select the GoPro video files you want to save and hit the Recover button.

save the recovered files from the GoPro camera after completion of the GoPro file recovery process

Note - If you wondering how to fix GoPro error code 30, click on the link here to know more.

Why Choose Remo Recover for GoPro File Recovery?

  • Recovers deleted photos or videos from any digital camera including GoPro Hero 11 Black Mini, GoPro Hero 11, GoPro Max, GoPro Hero 11 Black Creator Edition, Hero 10 Black Bones, GoPro Hero 9, GoPro Hero 8, Hero 7, GoPro Hero 6, GoPro Fusion, GoPro Hero 5, KARMA, and many more.
  • You can also make use of the tool to recover photos or videos from Nikon cameras, Panasonic, Sony, Canon, and many other camera brands.
  • Additionally, if you damage the GoPro videos, Remo has a video repair tool to fix them.
  • The tool also helps you recover videos from GoPro SD cards that are formatted, deleted, or even lost during a transfer process.
  • The recovered GoPro Videos can be evaluated using the Preview option.

How to Avoid Automatic Deletion of GoPro Videos after Import?

Automatic deletion of imported GoPro videos and photos might be uncomfortable for most of you. If the files are not transferred properly and at the same time deleted on the SD card. You might be in trouble. Hence the best way to overcome this issue is to manually copy the videos and photos from the SD card and later format the SD card.

However, to disable the auto-deletion click on camera settings in the Quik app and uncheck the Automatically delete files from the camera after importing option. This way, you can avoid the loss of videos due to various GoPro video errors and problems.

What could be the other reasons for the loss of GoPro photos and videos?

  • Memory card corruption: Due to some physical damage to the memory card while using the camera, there is a lot of chance of losing important videos from GoPro cameras.
  • Incomplete File transfer: The video files can be lost if there is an interruption during the file transfer from the camera SD card to the computer. Hence, you should make sure there is a proper connection maintained during the file transfer. 

Note: You can refer to this complete guide to find out how to recover files lost during transfer.

  • Virus Infection: If the computer is not protected with antivirus the videos will be deleted from the SD card when it is connected to the affected computer.
  • Accidental Deletion: To accommodate more videos on the drive, the user might have deleted a few unimportant videos. During such incidents, the user might have deleted other important information unknowingly. Which leads to the loss of GoPro videos.


The videos shot on a GoPro camera can be deleted anytime for many reasons. The GoPro videos can also be corrupted at times. There are also easy ways to repair GoPro videos. However, it might take extra time. To avoid such scenarios, it is advised to make a backup copy of these on the computer or any other storage device. If you don't have a backup and if the videos are permanently deleted, download and use the Remo video recovery software to quickly perform GoPro File Recovery process to recover deleted GoPro videos.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to recover videos from a formatted GoPro memory card?

To recover Videos from a formatted GoPro Memory card:
1. Download and Install Remo Recover on your computer.
2. Connect the SD card to the system and launch the software.
3. Click on Scan to begin the GoPro recovery process and wait till the scan is completed.
4. Preview the recovered files and save the videos in your preferred location.

2. Why is the GoPro SD card not showing all files?

If your GoPro SD card is not showing all files then the reason could be:
- Connection issues between the card and the hosting device.
- Files might be hidden by default.
- Data corruption issues.
- Unsuported file system.

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